Some missions give a limited number of turns to achieve the objective, while in others events from outside the battlefield can suddenly change the situation, giving players new objectives, reinforcements or enemies. Players have various tasks, ranging from destroying all opponent forces to capturing special objectives or escaping from the map.

Some of those options were not available in first games and were added in expansions or sequels. Fog of war is prevalent and players have to use scouting units to gain information about the battlefield. From Battle Isle 2, weather conditions change, affecting unit movements (for example, a sea or river can freeze, immobilizing ships but allowing light units to move through it). Players also control military factories, where new units can be produced. Units have various weapons and experience. Players not only control the combat units (ranging from infantry and tanks to helicopters, fighters and bombers, armored trains, surface warships and submarines, stationary gun turrets), but (especially in the later games) also many support logistics units (ammo and fuel transports, scout and radar units, road and trench construction vehicles, and others). The first three games are played on a hexagonal grid for a map. The individual games represent various wars that took place on Chromos.

Equipment like jetpacks, scanners, improved armor, stimulants and medical kits becomes available as the space marines accumulate experience points.The Battle Isle storyline is set on a fictional planet called Chromos, whose society is technologically more advanced than that of contemporary Earth, possessing the knowledge of advanced robotics ( robots), computers ( AIs) and limited spaceflight (enough to set up space colonies on the moon of Chromos). Some low-level guns feature bayonets for mêlée combat, which form a substantial element of the game. Outside of missions, the main decision is which weapons and equipment to purchase to outfit the squad. There are three difficulty levels which influence parameters like monster respawn and damage rates. The game has some head-to-head and co-op multiplayer support via LAN and software such as Kali. The single-player campaign includes around 30 missions set in futuristic interiors full of aliens, as a squad of space marines battles to save the civilians and themselves. In the game, the player controls a squad of soldiers in a campaign against an alien threat. Incubation: Time Is Running Out (also known as Incubation: Battle Isle Phase Four) is a turn-based tactics computer game from Blue Byte released in 1997.