Location/ Obtained From: Nidas, in Novigrad, west of Hierarch Square

Stay close to him and slash away with your sword (continue cutting when it emits smoke as it will keep still if you do).and you should bring the fight and quest to a swift conclusion.

You'll face off against a leshen here, but it isn't too powerful. There are four things to examine in the area, but after looking at the human bones near the North edge of the circle, the culprit will appear. Objective: Search the abandoned sawmill using your witcher senses (4) Location/ Obtained From: Approaching the Abandoned Sawmill between Blandare and Gedyneith signposts Objective: Bring the stolen horn to Mathiosīacktrack all the way to where you came from and hand over the horn. Once you've stopped fighting (as in there are no more opponents left), open the chest in the tent and pick up the horn from inside. Start depopulating the area of them until you reach their camp (near the large stone and broken boat). Travel to the Northern tip of the small islands to find a search area and bunch of bandits waiting for you. You'll likely have to deal with a bunch of sirens as you cross, so use the crossbow, aard sign or just your sword to take them to pieces. Otherwise teleport as close as you can to the marker on the map and make your way towards the crossing that connects to the small island. Run up the slope from the village to the fast-travel sign at the jarl's fort and teleport to Arinbjorn (in the West of the main central island) if you can. Objective: Track down the thieves and retrieve Holger's horn Location/ Obtained From: Kaer Muire noticeboard Story 34 - Something Ends, Something Begins.

Story 33 - Tedd Deireadh, The Final Age.Story 17 - The King Is Dead - Long Live The King.